HARG member Dr Jo Blackwell graduates from Lincoln Cathedral having completed her PhD

On Monday 5th September 2022, HARG member Dr Jo Blackwell graduated at Lincoln Cathedral having completed her PhD earlier in the year. Jo was the only doctoral graduand at the ceremony.

A dual PhD through the University of Lincoln and University of Copenhagen, Jo’s research explored the socio-cultural influences on exercise and health in those who have experienced cardiac events, with specific attention on the uptake of and adherence to cardiac rehabilitation. She has recently been working with HARG and Lincoln International Institute for Rural Health colleagues on a number of health and social care research projects. One example is the successful physical activity experiences of those living with dementia project. This project has resulted in the creation of a local stakeholder network, and sharing of findings that may help to inform practice. Jo will be commencing a Mildred Blaxter Postdoctoral Fellowship later this year.

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