Earlier this year Jo Blackwell completed her PhD, which explored the socio-cultural influences on the cardiac patient journey. Working with local NHS Trusts, the study explored how both the patients themselves and their significant others approached cardiac-related symptoms, the offer of cardiac rehabilitation, and recovery following a cardiac event such as a heart attack. Sociological exploration into this subject area has been minimal to date, so this study offered new insights into, for example, why some people delay seeking help for symptoms, the decision not to take part in rehabilitation, and how the physical and socio-psychological recovery journey can differ. Following a successful application, Jo will become a Mildred Blaxter Postdoctoral Fellow later this year. This award was made by the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness and provides 12 months of funding for dissemination of her doctoral work. This is being hosted by the School of Sport and Exercise Science, with Hannah Henderson as mentor.